Wyndham Vale Trip

The Wyndham Vale Trip 21 Comben Drive, Werribee, Victoria, Australia

You and your friends, you are invited to join us for a bicycle ride. When: Saturday 12th of February 2022 Where: The Wyndham Vale Trip Starting Time: 9:30 A.M. Starting: Near Woolworths car park, 21 Comben Drive Werribee Vic. 3030 Melway Map 205 K8 The Trip: Werribee, Werribee River Trail, Werribee Park South Entrance, K. […]

Melton Trip

Melton Train station Staughton Street, Melton South, Australia

When: Saturday 12th of March 2022 Trip Title: The Melton Trip Starting Time: 10:00 A.M. Starting: At Melton Train Station Melway Map 342 J2 Destination: Woodgrove S/C The Trip: Melton Train Station, Staughton St, Arnold creek trail, Riparial way trail, Clarkes Rd trail, Bulmans Rd trail, Centenary Ave trail, East Branch trail, Golden Wattle Way […]